Middle East
PIN assists the most vulnerable people in Syria and Iraq in the Middle East. After the explosion in Beirut in 2020, PIN also responded to the crisis in Lebanon, where we supported more than 11,300 people.
PIN started working in Syria in 2013 as one of the first humanitarian organisations to respond to the crisis.
Last year alone we assisted 1,450,035 vulnerable people in Syria.
PIN started working in Iraq in 2003, assisting in the southern part of the country by renovating healthcare facilities and supporting local governments and civic initiatives to strengthen the country’s adherence to human rights. Since the beginning of the conflict with the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and the flood of Syrian refugees and internally displaced Iraqis, PIN moved its focus to the north.
Currently, our team focuses its efforts on education and livelihoods, WASH, and renewable energies in the Ninewa and Erbil governorate, with the country’s main office located in Erbil.
People in Need (PIN) is a Czech non-government non-profit organization established in 1992 in Prague.
In the last year alone, PIN supported more than 3,500,000 people with humanitarian aid and relief development in 23 countries around the world.