Emergency Response & Recovery

Emergency Response & Recovery

© Photo: PIN

In Syria:

People in Need was one of the first international humanitarian organizations to respond to the crisis in Syria, starting operations there in 2012. In 2021, PIN assistance reached more than 1.5 million individuals across an annual program portfolio of over 53 million USD.

In Syria, we respond to emergency needs and support education and child protection. We distribute life-saving food assistance to those most in need and provide emergency hygiene kits and winterization assistance to displaced families. 

We provide shelter and protection for vulnerable people, and, at the same time, we conduct public and private shelter rehabilitation. We support agriculture and the restoration of additional sources of livelihoods, including public work opportunities, through livelihood grants and training, and through cash for work.

We repair public water wells and networks, rehabilitate, and extend sewage systems, and build landfills. Furthermore, we help education in schools and in temporary learning centers by supporting local teachers, students, and their parents; we strive to improve the quality of lessons; and we ensure psychosocial support to help conflict-affected children and their families build their resilience, including in child-friendly spaces in camps for displaced people.

PIN’s livelihood and agriculture programs in Syria provide opportunities for conflict-affected communities to start, resume, or expand their livelihoods, contributing to the country’s economic recovery and strengthening of local markets after over a decade of decline due to insecurity and conflict.

PIN seeks to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in emergencies, as well as to provide long-term, sustainable assistance and help the local community to be able to cope with the effects of the conflict on their own.


Over the past four decades, Iraq has experienced severe economic and social decline further aggravated by periods of political instability and armed conflict. People in Need (PIN) started working in Iraq since 2003, primarily assisting in southern Iraq by renovating healthcare facilities and supporting local governments and civic initiatives in order to strengthen the country’s adherence to human rights.

Since the beginning of the conflict with the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in 2014 and the flood of Syrian refugees and internally displaced Iraqis, PIN moved its focus to the north, helping more than 550,024 people in need of assistance.

The scope of our outreach has had to adapt to the ever-changing situation in Iraq as well as to the needs of those most vulnerable. We responded to the emergency resulting from the conflict with the so-called Islamic State by providing crucial items, such as food, water, hygiene products, and in winter warm clothes, blankets, and stoves for heating.

Life is slowly returning to normal since the fall of the armed group. Schools have re-opened and people are returning to their homes that had been occupied. Nevertheless, the country will continue to battle the socio-economic consequences of armed conflict for many years to come.

Currently, our team focuses its efforts on education, livelihoods, water, sanitation and hygiene; and renewable energies in the governorates of Nineveh, Salah Al-Din and Kirkuk with the country’s main office located in Erbil as well as in the capital, Baghdad.

We are doing everything in our power to help people return to their homes as smoothly as possible. We are supporting children to start school again, to make-up for missed classes, and to cope with the psychological impacts of their experiences. Additionally, we are repairing water mains and other crucial infrastructure as well as distributing hygiene kits and organizing behavioral change campaigns to ensure improved sanitary living and support general livelihoods.

Find out here about People in Need’s specific projects in Iraq: Humanitarian Aid, Education and Practical Abilities, and Sustainable Livelihoods and Environment.


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Ongoing ActivitiesORPast Activities

Provision of integrated services in support of vulnerable secondary displaced and returnees in Federal Iraq

Provision of integrated services in support of vulnerable secondary displaced and returnees in Federal Iraq

Thanks to funds from United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), in partnership with Intersos and local NGOs Sorouh for Sustainable Development Foundation (SSDF) and Public Aid Organization (PAO), PIN is providing educators in four districts across Nineveh and Salah Al Din with the tools and techniques they need to implement the most successful distance learning curriculum possible, despite the many challenges they face. PIN aims to train 360 teachers in 36 schools, helping 7920 students continue their classes.
Increasing equal education opportunities to children in Hawija

Increasing equal education opportunities to children in Hawija

Thanks to the UNICEF fund Education Cannot Wait, and in partnership with Save the Children (SC), the Norweigan Refugee Council (NRC), and Public Aid Organization (PAO), PIN is working in the areas of education, WASH, and child protection, aiming to impact 5000 children. Our focus is on providing distance learning materials to children affected by COVID-19-related school closures, including new approaches, protocols, non-formal education (PSS) at home, self-learning material distribution, and creative hygiene promotion messaging.
COVID-19 Response

COVID-19 Response

Since the start of Covid-19 pandemic, we adapted our response to not only ensure the continued and safe implementation of our activities but to help communities better prepare themselves and mitigate its impact. Door-to-door and social media awareness campaigns effectively reached over 32,000 community members while hygiene kits and face masks distribution reached over 76,000 people. Additionally, we are actively facilitating the safe reopening of businesses and schools and supporting children and educators in the meantime with a PIN-created distance learning curriculum implemented through smartphone applications.
School rehabilitation and psychosocial support

School rehabilitation and psychosocial support

To address the most acute education needs, our projects always build on the latest cluster recommendations and sectorial guidelines, needs assessments and most importantly, direct consultations with affected communities. Hence, our activities have predominantly focused on school and sanitary facilities rehabilitation, classroom extensions, non-formal education activities and psychosocial support, school staff capacity-building and managerial support, teachers training, or establishment of parent-teacher associations, among others.

Our education projects strive to increase children’s school attendance by reconstructing or rehabilitating school buildings and their sanitary facilities, initiating back-to-school campaigns, and distributing school equipment, supplies, and teaching aids and materials. At the same time, we train teachers to improve their pedagogical skills and thereby increase the quality of teaching. We also organise special non-formal education activities including remedial classes for children who dropped out of school for prolonged periods, and help establish parent-teacher associations to encourage their involvement in school structures. Equally, we train teachers and education personnel to identify and treat children with post-traumatic disorders caused by the military conflict as such children require a special and sensitive approach to work towards healthy emotional and intellectual development. As a result, we successfully reached over 50,000 boys and girls in ensuring their access to quality learning and psychosocial assistance only in 2019. This year, we finalized the construction of two new schools and equipped them, as well as rehabilitated eight other schools with solar panels to ensure a more sustainable learning environment.
WASH  - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

WASH - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Water and sanitation infrastructures in Syria have been heavily impacted as a result of the war. Over one third of people have no access to drinking water, while electricity is either totally or partly unavailable in most places. Waste collection systems have collapsed in many areas, which threatens to contaminate sources of drinking water and dramatically increases the risk of outbreaks of disease like cholera and leishmaniasis.

Since 2013, People in Need has helped to restore public water wells and networks, construct water points and elevated water tanks, rehabilitate and extend sewage systems, build landfills, provide generators and renovate or install toilets and showers in camps and schools. We work with local authorities and contractors to carry out this work and improve the management of basic water, sanitation and hygiene services. Our cash-for-work programmes employ people to clear debris, renovate water networks and collect waste, thereby supporting rehabilitation efforts while at the same time offering vulnerable families a dignified way to earn an income.
  • In 2020, 269,578 people benefited from improved access to water as a result of our programmes
  • In 2020, 351,300 individuals benefited from improved sanitation or waste removal services creating a healthier, safer living environment for them
Emergency response

Emergency response

Every day, thousands of Syrians are forced to flee their homes because of the war, with most only taking with them whatever they can carry. In these most urgent of cases, our emergency “ready-to-eat” rations are often the very first assistance families receive. Each kit is packed with enough food to sustain an average family for five days, and all the contents can be eaten without being cooked. We also provide emergency hygiene kits to help families stay clean and healthy in the immediate aftermath of an upheaval. Cash grants are often supplied after this, to help families in distress continue to meet their immediate needs.
  • In 2020, we provided a monthly average of 23,667 ready-to-eat rations (RTERs) or food kits for families in the immediate aftermath of displacement or other crises 
  • 18,050 hygiene kits provided to households from PIN in 2020, containing essentials such as soap, towels, dishwashing liquid, jerry cans, and buckets, thus giving people the tools to improve their own hygiene and safety.
  • In 2020, 20,929 individuals benefited from emergency once-off cash grants to assist highly vulnerable people to buy food, water and other essential items
Take a look inside our emergency aid response in Syria 
Non-food items & Shelter

Non-food items & Shelter

Widespread and ongoing displacement means that thousands of families are still forced to leave their homes every day, often living in tents and abandoned or damaged buildings.  To meet these needs, PIN is providing families with support to construct temporary setter, such as the provision of tents or materials, such as tarps, wood, nails, rope to which reconstruct basic structures, or through repairing damaged homes to rehabilitate kitchens, bathrooms, and basic infrastructure that are destroyed to ensure a safe living space for families to return to their homes damaged by the conflict. PIN designs the response based on the needs of each location, taking into consideration of the level of damage and specific needs of vulnerable households – providing assistance both in camps as well as in urban areas to improving protection from harsh weather, provide a self of security and privacy, and ensure access to kitchen and sanitation facilities. In addition, PIN also repairs crucial community infrastructures such as landfills and health clinics.

Additionally, we distribute essential items to the most vulnerable families, especially those who have been recently displaced to camps or informal settlements due to the conflict. For these families, who are living under very severe conditions and with few belongings of their own, PIN provides essential items like kitchen kits providing all the basic items required for cooking, mattresses, blankets, clothes, and hygiene kits.  To help survive the bitter cold winter months, we also distribute heaters and cash grants for fuel.
  • 3,077 people received assistance to help prepare for the winter of 2020/2021
  • 15,888 households supplied with non-food items such as mattresses, blankets, clothes, and kitchen items
  • 1,069 households received assistance to ensure adequate shelter, through the provision of tents and household rehabilitation
  • 531,000 individuals benefited from public infrastructure rehabilitation, such as health clinics, schools, markets

Food security

Food security

Millions of people in Syria are currently in need of food aid, with millions more in danger of joining them. In more stable, peaceful areas, People in Need provides monthly food vouchers or cash grants that can be used in a range of local shops. By allowing people to choose and cook their own meals, this approach helps restore a crucial sense of dignity, while also stimulating the local economy and supporting the farmers who supply fruits, vegetables, meat or eggs to our partner shops. In areas with less stable markets, we provide this monthly food assistance in the form of in-kind goods, which consist of staple foods such as flour, rice, bulgur, lentils, chickpeas and fava beans.
We also support hundreds of selected bakeries each month, providing thousands of families with access to more affordable bread. 
  • Each month 13,420 families receive food parcels
  • Each month 8,500 families receive monthly food vouchers       
  • In 2020, more than 4 million subsidised bread packs were baked, reaching 315,000 individuals
Read more about food crisis in Syria